For the third year now DoseNet has invited a small (4-6) group of high school students to work under the mentorship of our project leadership as volunteer interns.
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Recent visits to our partner schools to see the “colors” of gamma-rays
We recently visited Pinewood and Camplindo to discuss how radioactive isotopes are identified and explore the sources of background radiation present in a range of common materials around the school.
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We recently visited Pinewood School and Campolindo High School to talk to teachers about DoseNet and ways to use our data in their classes.
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Successful visits to Pinewood School and Campolindo High School to restore data-taking with our devices. We were also able to update our devices and improve mechanical stability with the help of several students. Special thanks to Mrs. Abraham at Pinewood and Ms. Eaton at Campolindo for helping us arrange our visits!
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We had a great visit! This was the first installation of a DoseNet device outside Berkeley. It was great getting the opportunity to talk to interested students, recruited by Ms. Eaton, about the project. We look forward to our next visit to meet with all the science teachers!
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The DoseNet network has added a new school! We had a great day visiting the students in Mrs. Abraham’s AP Chemistry class and meeting several after to discuss ways they can get involved!
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