BRAWM Archive

Summary of Measurements from 2011-2012

The BRAWM effort was founded just after the Fukushima power plant vented radioisotopes into the atmosphere. This was a quickly organized effort to analyze the impact of Fukushima on the US West Coast. Several isotopes attributable to the releases were measured. None were found to be in harmful quantities and were orders smaller than the naturally occurring radioactive materials in the samples.

Air Monitoring Results

Air monitoring results from just after the Fukushima Daiichi plant vented into the atmosphere. Some Cs137 was observed but in very small quantities. This historically frames the current Real-Time Airmonitoring efforts at UCB.

Food Chain Sampling Summary

This is a summary of food chain sampling.


The BRAWM FAQ has now moved to the Radiation 101 page. For archival purposes this is still available.

Rain Water Sampling (2011-2012)

This is a summary of the rain water sampling that was part of BRAWM.

Milk Sampling Summary (2011-2012)

This is a milk sampling summary.

Sea Water Sampling Summary

This is a summary of the seawater sampling results.

Strawberry Creek Sampling

This is a summary of the Strawberry Creek sampling effort.

Snow Melt Sampling Summary

This is a summary of the snow melt sampling effort.

Rain Sampling System

Here is a summary of the early rain system used by BRAWM.

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