Radiological Sample Community Drop-Off (placeholder)

Radwatch Drop-Box

Find information on how to collect and drop off soil samples. The drop box will be located in a community center. It will have collection materials, including at minimum vials or cups. There will be a qr code to scan and link for online access for instructions on sample collection including thorough methodology and labeling instructions.


Sample Example

Your sample should include important information like location, depth, contents of sample, like if it is soil or dust, and possibly additional id information. Radwatch is not equipped to handle any biological samples. In the future, radwatch may inquire further into samples positive for elevated levels of radiological material or heavy metals from our gamma and neutron activation analyses.


High Purity Germanium Detector

Samples are measured in specialized gamma radiation detectors, more information can be found in the Dosenet sections of our website. The QR code could additionally be used to access community data, to create a map of radiological data in the Bayview.