RadWatch Community Soil Sample Collection
Please find instructions for how to submit a soil sample for collection to Radwatch for analysis. Data will be made anonymously public on our website.
Submit Sample Collections Maintenance
Pick up Materials
Please grab a soil sample collection container, we will use these to transport your sample. A simple mask and gloves are used as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), worn while acquiring your sample.
Please feel free to grab a print out of sample collection instructions for reference to these digital instructions. We ask that these are returned along with the container containing your soil sample.
Collect your Sample
You will need a ruler and some sort of trowel or shovel. Bring your collection materials to your location of interest, and dig a hole.
Fill out our Google Form
Return your Sample
High Purity Germanium Detector
Samples are measured in specialized gamma radiation detectors, more information can be found in the Dosenet sections of our website. Data will be made anonymously public for access on our website.