Scott Suchyta



Scott’s former research was concentrated on efforts aimed at the detection of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS). CEvNS is predicted by the Standard Model (SM) of physics but has not yet been observed, largely because the only detectable signature is low-energy nuclear recoils, making detection difficult. However, there is significant interest in measuring the probability of CEvNS across several disciplines of physics. The probability of CEvNS can be calculated precisely with the SM. Therefore a deviation from the prediction could indicate new physics. CEvNS is believed to play a major role in core-collapse supernovae processes, making CEvNS important for astrophysics. He also worked on optimizing the experimental design that will be used for the germanium detection system.​​

Work with RadWatch:

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Nuclear Engineering Department
    University of California, Berkeley

During his time at Berkeley, Scott lead the Radwatch effort to develop techniques for performing reliable, high-sensitivity alpha measurements on various biological samples.